Deionized or distilled water had very limited applications just few decades back but its applications and usage have been increasing rapidly. You can find so many examples in your daily life to know about the usage of the purified water. You might have to obtain some time the distilled water from a pharmaceutical or medical store to use in different types of medications. You might be advised by the doctor to use the distilled or deionized water for drinking purpose if you are experiencing digestion problems and if natural water is not good for you to consume. You might not be surprised to know that the beverage manufacturers also use the deionized or distilled water for the preparation of drinks.

Distilled or deionized water has become an essential for various business industries and laboratories of chemical as well as biology. There might be some industrial procedures where we might require a very high scale of purified water; in that case we will be using double distilled water. Distilled or deionized water is utilized in ships and mainly it is used as coolant in the ships which are powered by the nuclear energy. Actually sea-water contains lots of minerals and through the distillation procedure its contaminants are removed to use the same water as coolant. The crew on the ship also uses the same deionized or distilled water for drinking purpose as it is very safe to consume.

The purified water is used in batteries of vehicles such as cars, bikes, trucks, and so on as their battery requires to be topped up through water after regular time intervals. If you use the plain tap water in battery it will definitely reduce the lifespan of your battery. Actually the ions which are the part of plane water will cause the damage to your battery

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